KB PHOTOGRAPHY OUR STORY OUR WORK OUR CREW BLOG CONTACT KB photography PINKESH PATEL Photographer PINKESH PATEL is a master of the lens, weaving captivating stories with each click. Their artistic vision transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary visual tales, capturing the essence of subjects and landscapes alike.If you are in the market for clothes, our […]
KB PHOTOGRAPHY OUR STORY OUR WORK OUR CREW BLOG CONTACT KB photography MAUNISH PANCHAL Videographer A Video Photographer is a versatile visual artist who combines the skills of traditional photography with the dynamic world of videography. They expertly use cameras, lighting, and composition to capture and craft moving images, creating compelling narratives and visual stories. […]
KB PHOTOGRAPHY OUR STORY OUR WORK OUR CREW BLOG CONTACT KB photography SUMIT PATEL Cinematographer As a Cinematographer, Sumit Patel is a true virtuoso in the world of visual storytelling. With an innate ability to harness the interplay of light, shadow, and movement, they craft cinematic narratives that are nothing short of mesmerizing. Every frame […]
KB PHOTOGRAPHY OUR STORY OUR WORK OUR CREW BLOG CONTACT KB photography AMITSINH YADAV Photographer & IT Executive Hello, my name is Yadav Amit Sinh. I was the last member of KB Photography in 2022 “Capturing life’s moments, the photographer frames stories in light and shadow, while the IT executive orchestrates innovation in the digital […]
KB PHOTOGRAPHY OUR STORY OUR WORK OUR CREW BLOG CONTACT KB photography AKASH PATEL Editor A video editor is a skilled professional who uses specialized softwareto assemble and manipulate video footage, audio, and various visualelements to create a coherent and engaging visual story. These expertsplay a crucial role in the post-production process, meticulouslyarranging clips, adding […]
KB PHOTOGRAPHY OUR STORY OUR WORK OUR CREW BLOG CONTACT KISHANSINH BODANA Founder & Director A Founder & Director for photography is a creative entrepreneur whohas not only established a photography business but also assumes therole of guiding its artistic direction and overall management. Thisindividual combines their passion for photography with leadership skills to build […]