KB photography

shaiv & bhumika

DEC4, 2022

Photographs:Kishansinh Bodana

“Two souls entwined in love, embarking on a lifelong journey together. With hearts full of hope and eyes locked in promise, Shaiv & Bhumika exchanged vows, sealing their love in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by family and friends. In the presence of love and laughter, they celebrated a day filled with joy and unforgettable moments. As they danced under the stars, Shaiv & Bhumika began their new chapter, hand in hand, ready to create a lifetime of cherished memories. Here’s to a love that grows stronger with each passing day, an adventure that knows no bounds, and a forever that starts today. 💍❤️ #ForeverAndAlways”

shaiv & bhumika

DEC4, 2022

Photographs:Kishansinh Bodana

“Two souls entwined in love, embarking on a lifelong journey together. With hearts full of hope and eyes locked in promise, Shaiv & Bhumika exchanged vows, sealing their love in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by family and friends. In the presence of love and laughter, they celebrated a day filled with joy and unforgettable moments. As they danced under the stars, Shaiv & Bhumika began their new chapter, hand in hand, ready to create a lifetime of cherished memories. Here’s to a love that grows stronger with each passing day, an adventure that knows no bounds, and a forever that starts today. 💍❤️ #ForeverAndAlways”

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